Nartwork a.p.s. presents MindfulnessMindfulness exhibition challenges the artists to break down the walls of fears, illusions, superficiality to arrive at the essence of reality, to appreciate and appreciate it as it is here and now.
The exhibition is organised and curated by Nartwork Association. For Jon Kabat, Mindfulness means to care attention, but in a particular way “with intention, in the present, not in a judgemental manner”. To cultivate a full presence in the experience of the moment, a way to being in full, to go to the depths of things and into themselves here and now. An antidote to modern fears, fear of encountering reality in an increasingly digital way in which we become uninhabited to be here and now, always connected with another place and time, where you feel the need to show yourself continuously through social media but unfortunately just in a superficial way. The groups’ exhibition welcomes artists from 11 countries and has the Patronage of Fondazione Valenzi, Suor Orsola Benicasa Universities and Madre Museum (museum of contemporary art of Naples) Private view: 11th October 6-9pm Exhibition runs: 12th - 17th October 2019 |